FLoCIG Entrepreneurs: Connections
Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group "Women are leaders everywhere that you look . They take the risks in order to move forward . From the singleton to the housewife who manages her family and home . From the academic to the ‘University of Life’ participants . From the self employed to the salaried . Nations were built by strong women, powerful women of mind, body and spirit . We, as diaspora ladies, will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes ." Charlotte Cepal FLoCIG Women: Connections FLoCIG / FRA Ladies of Colour Int Gp Welcome . You are an educated and accomplished lady of colour originally from the UK, USA, Africa or Middle East and you are now a diaspora, expat residing in Frankfurt and other foreign major European cities. How are you finding other like-minded ladies of colour in your local and regional location of Europe? How are you connecting? You excel at being you. Cultivated. Accomplished. F...