Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group
Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group
"Women are leaders everywhere that you look.
They take the risks in order to move forward.
From the singleton to the housewife who manages her family and home.
From the academic to the ‘University of Life’ participants.
From the self employed to the salaried.
Nations were built by strong women, powerful women of mind, body and spirit.
We, as diaspora ladies, will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes."
Charlotte Cepal
Welcome to this group celebrating diaspora and expat ladies of colour from across the European continent. There is a particularly useful present for you at the end. Enjoy! From us to YOU.
Here is where you have the possibility to galvanise, link and enable mutually beneficial opportunities to connect to other ladies of colour:
1. of diaspora and Commonwealth heritage, and
2. who are expats.
YOU Inspire. YOU Excite. YOU are Actionable. This is your group of diaspora, expat, ladies without borders.
Ladies of Colour
As a diaspora and expat lady, you are a part of a community of ladies differing in physical attributes and skin hues. You have a varied heritage. You speak different languages, You have varying successful achievements. You are with partners or you are celibate. For example, you may be a lady of colour and married to a Commonwealth man, or a Japanese man, or a Norwegian man, or a Korean man, or a Russian man, or a Turkmenistani man, or a Turkish man, or a Kazahkstani man, or a Polish man, or a Peruvian man, or a Hungarian man; or any other nationality for that matter. You are seeking a group of ladies as like-minded as you, to aid your personal and professional well-being in Europe.
Or perhaps you are a lady of colour residing as an expat within Germany, Japan, Finland, Iceland, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand, Ireland; or any other nation for that matter, and finding it challenging to form real, genuine relationships with other non Black expats within your location. Where you may be finding a subtle ‘pecking order’ or ‘social apartheid’ within the expat community that you find yourself within. Where your partner is more warmly accepted, than you are. If that is the case, then you have arrived at the right place to celebrate your individualism and harness mutually beneficial links, with other ladies of colour as like-minded as you, to aid your personal and professional well-being. Or perhaps you are not finding the right calibre of expat community that understands you. That this expat community is not able or willing to integrate or support your journey in a foreign land.
You have a concerning issue
It is possible that you are also seeking a diaspora, expat lady of colour who can help you forge marketing opportunities or assist you in other ways, within the foreign country that they reside within. That you would feel better served by germinating or acquiring a connection to a diaspora, expat lady of colour who can understand you and assist you. Rather than hoping that someone else who bears little or no understanding of your culture or mindset, cuts corners in providing a service and does not provide the professionalism that you had hoped from them, in helping the furtherance of yourself or your business. The same could also be applied to the provision of a product to aid in your furtherance.
You take risks when instigating new relationships. Within your personal life. Within your professional life. The risks that you take are to the best of your ability calculated by you. You understand the benefits and the disadvantages from taking the risk(s).
Accessing the solution
Sometimes you just want to be signposted directly to a synergy of people who can help you. Who can understand you. Who know where you are coming from and where you are looking to go. Sometimes you just want to be helped in the way that feels right for you. Sometimes you simply want to offer help through your experiences and knowledge to others, who are like-minded as you and are lost on their journey through all sorts of distractions.
Who am I?
Juliana Cliff Thorpe is who I am. You can call me JC. I am London, UK born and bred. I am the first female in my family to have studied at a university. I have professional experience within Human Resources and I have worked within the retail sector. I have also assisted in voluntary work for UK charities. I currently live within a suburb of Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany with my partner who is a German national and works in management. Due to my new residence I started a Meet Up group called Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group. The focus of the group has now been taken away from Meet Up and is now focused on this blog. So please feel free to wander through the pages and engage with us here.
I fully understand what it means to be a diaspora lady living as an expat in a foreign country. Hence, the reason why this particular group was formed. I take nothing away from the other networking groups for Black professionals, Black women or Black entrepreneurs. I simply wanted to create a space where ladies of colour in a particular situation, as a diaspora expat, could connect with other like-minded expat ladies of colour across the continents. Trying to forge ahead in a different country in a different language.
Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group
The Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group warmly welcomes members from Lesbian, Transgender, Heterosexual and celibate females coming from professional backgrounds; as well as home makers with mutually beneficial commercial connections, from:
A. Diaspora African, Caribbean and other Black and Coloured backgrounds from around the globe.
B. Diaspora African, Caribbean and other Black and Coloured expats in Hessen, Germany.
This group includes Ladies of Colour who have sight or physical impairments and who are able bodied that fit the criteria below.
The Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group warmly welcomes women of colour who are fashionably individual, funky, kick ass, feminine and strong willed, with their own unique look and character, enjoying all that life has to offer with a joie de vivre. Most importantly women who are forging their own destiny and seek support. Personal or professional.
The Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group warmly welcomes women of colour who have no blinkers to life, in addition to not placing barriers and blockages to other ladies that they are connected to.
The aim of the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group is to positively link with each other and help to promote the development, advancement and connections of members through work professions and social aspects.
Membership to the group is dependent on specific criterias:
1. Admission to the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group is subject to a member being a woman.
2. Admission to the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group includes members whose parents are both of Black origin, or, where one parent is of Black origin.
3. Admission to the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group is subject to a member having a valid, self, photo on their profile.
4. Admission to the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group has the right of the Administrator(s) to disqualify any member that is deemed and found as intolerant, offensive or discriminatory, on the basis of another member's, race, creed, sexual orientation, religion or faith. Within the context of the group's specific criteria.
5. Admission to the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group stipulates that all members comport themselves in a professional manner to all other members at meet ups. Whether P2P or online.
6. Admission to the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group encourages non-aggressive marketing and commercial links, to help other members with their professional status, well-being and social status.
7. Admission to the Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group includes that the partner of a member is welcomed at meet ups. Partners can only attend with a member and by invitation only.
8. All business is conducted in English.
9. There is an annual membership donation of GBP £41. (Non refundable.)
You have the opportunity to introduce yourself and to market your business. For FREE!!!
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
Michelle Obama
As a diaspora and expat lady, you are a part of a community of ladies differing in physical attributes and skin hues. You have a varied heritage. You speak different languages, You have varying successful achievements. You are with partners or you are celibate.
Next step...
This is your signposting.
You may be a lady of colour and married to a Commonwealth man, or a Japanese man, or a Norwegian man, or a Korean man, or a Russian man, or a Polish man, or a Peruvian man, or a Hungarian man; or any other nationality for that matter. GET ACCESS today. Get access to aid your personal and professional well-being. There are other ladies of colour who would appreciate your particular knowledge of different cultures and languages.
PLUS! YOU have the opportunity to grow your fortunes by listing your business for FREE!!! within the DELOCIG Directory. This is only open to DELOCIG members and Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group members. Click on the golden present for more information.
In addition, if you are a partner who cares about YOUR partner’s personal and professional well-being, then support your lady of colour by recommending this diaspora, expat, ladies of colour group to her. For her furtherance.
Or perhaps you are a lady of colour residing as an expat within Germany, Japan, Finland, Iceland, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand, Ireland; or any other nation for that matter, and finding it challenging to form real, genuine relationships with other non Black or foreign expats within your location. Where you may be finding a subtle ‘pecking order’ or ‘social apartheid’ within
the expat community that you find yourself within. Where your partner is more warmly accepted, than you are. If that is the case, then you have arrived at the right place to celebrate your individualism and harness mutually beneficial links, with other ladies of colour as like-minded as you, to aid your personal and professional well-being. Or perhaps you are not finding the right calibre of expat community that understands you. That the expat community which you find yourself in, is not able or willing to integrate or support your journey in a foreign land. Step forward. GET ACCESS to aid your personal and professional well-being.
Remember. YOU have the opportunity to turn your fortunes into greater growth by listing your business for FREE!!! within the DELOCIG Directory.
This is only open to DELOCIG members and Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group members.
In addition, if you are a partner who cares about YOUR partner’s personal and professional well-being, then support your lady of colour by recommending this diaspora, expat, ladies of colour group to her. For her furtherance.
I look forward to meeting you when you step inside the group. ENGAGE WITH US today.
"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Connect. Connect. Then connect more.
✮You are a piece of the mosiac.
✮You are the connection.
✮You are the key to change.
✮You step up & step forward.
#FLOCIG #diasporaconnections #diasporaladies #diasporaprofessionals #diasporaexpats #diasporawealth #diasporainternationals #diasporaentrepreneurs #diasporabusiness #diasporapower #diasporawellbeing
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