FLoCIG Entrepreneurs: When your past catches up with you
Frankfurt Ladies of Colour International Group
"Women are leaders everywhere that you look.
They take the risks in order to move forward.
From the singleton to the housewife who manages her family and home.
From the academic to the ‘University of Life’ participants.
From the self employed to the salaried.
Nations were built by strong women, powerful women of mind, body and spirit.
We, as diaspora ladies, will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes."
Charlotte Cepal
FLoCIG Women: When your past catches up with you
FLoCIG / FRA Ladies of Colour Int Gp
You are an educated and accomplished lady of colour originally from the UK, USA, Africa or Middle East and you are now a diaspora, expat residing in Frankfurt and other foreign major European cities. What happens when an unwanted aspect of your past catches up with you?
You live in comfort. You have accumulated favourable aspects to your life. As a child you started from a position of lack, wanting, needing and desiring in life, coming from behind within your community based observations where you saw the haves and the have nots. You were frequently seeking a connection to prosperity in the places that you visited and the people that passed you by. The feelings from your failed business ideas are not allowed to enable you to forget, particularly when you see someone else succeed where you ‘failed’. The emotions from your failed relationships are inextricably linked and amplified to you when triggered by something seemingly small and inconsequential. You lived a part of your life doing what you had to do in order to survive. You used some people and you were used by others. You did what you had to do in order to navigate within the labyrinth of life. To deal with the networks of people who were behaving and continue to behave as a deplorable Gollom character. To deal with the networks of people who were barriers to you getting ahead. You had to deal with the insults and the belittling comments. Now, through unswerving, focused time and effort, you have worked your way up to success, comfort and prosperity. AT LONG LAST! Yet as an educated and accomplished lady of colour originally from the UK, USA, Africa or Middle East where you are now a diaspora, expat residing in Frankfurt and other foreign major European cities, you sometimes experience the ego + the fears + the nightmares of your successes come tumbling down. Something has triggered this. Was it a name or an aspect from your past? Was it a bawdy website or group that you used to connect with? Was it a person that you saw on the street, in the shops, on the Internet, in the press? You have worked so hard and sacrificed much to reach where you are now. You have paid your dues, plus more.
Now you are running. Running from what? Something real? Something in your mind? You are many years older and you have finally arrived at a salubrious lifestyle. You have reached that destination. Yet something has triggered a feeling of breakdown. You are trying very carefully not to show it, especially in a country and amongst inward-looking and contemptuous people that want little to do with you, as they perceive that you have little in common with them and would not understand their cultural distinctions. Your ego is telling you to pull yourself together. To hold it together. Yet at the same time you are seeking connections with other educated and accomplished ladies of colour originally from the UK, USA, Africa or Middle East who are now diaspora, expats residing in Frankfurt and other foreign major European cities and who are like minded as you with their personal and professional lifestyle experiences. You feel as though you are slowly falling because of the lack of the connections. The few national people that connect with you are of a particular calibre that have travelled the world and taken part in other cultures. They want to connect with you because they want to associate with you. They feel a connection to you. What your ego fears is the loss of your friendships with newly found educated and accomplished ladies of colour. You fear this loss on various levels as these ladies have become your support network within your peer group. Your ego fears this loss through aspects of your past catching up with you where other educated and accomplished ladies of colour start to think less of you. That you have fallen in their esteem. That they do not initiate a sincere relationship.
You are an educated and accomplished lady of colour originally from the UK, USA, Africa or Middle East and you are now a diaspora, expat residing in Frankfurt and other foreign major European cities, yet you still ask the question.
The next part to this is the hanging on through the ego + the fears + the nightmares of all your success. Then there is the need for support and mindset strength together with the answers. The answers that you seek for yourself. The answers that others seek from you. When people from your past bubble up to the surface they want answers. Do these people not realise that you do not hold all the answers, all the solutions, to their life.
You are an educated and accomplished lady of colour originally from the UK, USA, Africa or Middle East and you are now a diaspora, expat residing in Frankfurt and other foreign major European cities. Everyone wants a piece of you. People are following you online through social media. People are following you in real time. Wanting to be you. Creating an alias to live and present themselves as you. Yet they would not be able to cope with the pressures that your lifestyle carries with it. Regardless of your success and perceived lifestyle you still suffer in your way with the demons in your mind, as each unyielding aspect of your past continues to catch up with you and play like a broken record. So how can you convert those voices, scenes and feelings into balance, peace and tranquility, eventually dissipating from your psyche? What is the solution for you?
Would you like my help?
Want to know more about FLOCIG click on the link provided.
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." African Proverb
Stand in your confidence. When you feel 'fear' creep in transmute it and CONNECT. Connect. Then connect more.
✮You are a piece of the mosiac.
✮You are the connection.
✮You are the key to change.
✮You step up & step forward.
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